Looking to upgrade amp

Hi everyone,

I hope that this message find you well. I'm currently using an Exposure 2010s2 (75 wpc) integrated amp. It's certainly a very fine amp for the money (the previous version received a Class A from Stereophile). The rest of my system is an Oppo BDP 105 for CD/SACD and the excellent (IMHO) KEF LS50 speakers.

I'm happy with the speakers and CD source, but I'm finding the amp to be a bit too "clinical/analytical" sounding. Also, the rather low sensitivity of the KEFs (85db, 3.2 ohm minimum) suggests that a higher power/higher current amp would be a better match (In fact, I contacted Exposure. and they suggested not using the 2010 with 4 ohm speakers). I have never owned a tube amp, so I might be interested in moving that direction. However, I am concerned about the lower sensitivity of my speakers, so I'm looking for your input on this issue.

For convenience's sake, I prefer to stick with an integrated, but the Exposure does have a pre-out, so I could move to separates (assuming that the Exposure functions well enough as a pre to allow the new amp to show its stuff).

Do any of you have recommendations for amps/integrateds to consider up to about $3,000(USD) that might provide a warmer and/or less forward sound?

Thanks for your time!

Part of what makes up the sound is of course the preamp section of the Exposure, so worst case you buy a new amp and use the Exposure as pre to find that the sound is still somewhat clinical sounding.

I was on a search of my own for much the same reason, and found a great sounding amp in the Parasound A21. They also have a new pre that seems to be very popular, the P5. I'd suggest giving a dealer a visit with some of your favourite music and take your time. The A23 would be right up your alley.
I toyed with the idea of using the Exposure as a pre, but then that adds a fair number of variables to the mix: new cables, the sound of the new amp, the sound of the Exposure as a pre, etc. My thought is to sell/trade in the Exposure when I make a decision on a new integrated, thus helping to offset the cost.

Unfortunately, I don't have a dealer anywhere near me (southern Oregon), so auditioning pieces is all but impossible.

I've also been experimenting with still points, and the impact has been astonishing. I'm also working on setting up the room (just moved) to maximize the sound. So far, the results of these two things are having such an impact that I might wait on the integrated until I'm sure that I've got everything I can out of the setup.

What a cool hobby this is!
Thank again,
Simrex13, I am a little late to chime in here, however I believe you are on the right tract. Tune your room to first get the most of what you have, then consider the amplification issues. You have a well balanced quality system regarding performance/$$$. Given the number of fine integrateds in your price range, Ialso believe that is the way to proceed should you decide to upgrade.

Room treatment is a good DIY project, provdning great return on investment, let us know how it goes. Good luck.
Hard to beat the Hegel H300. I've owned some very nice separates that the Hegel will embarrass.