Some amplifier questions

I plan to set up a sound system for my bedroom. The room is 16'x14'. I have a 65" Panasonic TV at the 14' end of the room. I want to have a center, sub and two front speakers. Should I be looking for a 3 channel amp or will a 5 channel work fine even though I won't be using all 5 channels? The system will be for 90% television and 10% music. What should I be looking for in a receiver? How many watts, features? What price range? The room is so small I can't listen to music very loudly but I don't want to be under powered. Some amp suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

I just sent an email about stands to you but you'll probably see that post before this one.

Hopefully, you can cancel the order if, after you read my other post, you decide you'd rather buy a different one. The Argosy stand pair I mentioned, on sale for only $170/pr right now at, may convince you to change your mind but I'm not sure.

In any case, the Sound Anchors are generally considered the best you can buy but are the most expensive, too. The only downside to the Sound Anchors I can think of is the price. If you're ok with the $$ than you probably won't regret the purchase since you can't buy better as far as sq is concerned.

Hope everything is good,

Tim, haven't received your email, yet. I did buy stands for the LS50s from Soundanchors. They suggested the adjustable ones where I can tilt the speakers since my listening position is so high. I also ordered an audio rack that will accommodate the larger center speaker. I really am down to making a decision on a sub. Since there really is no budget anymore what would be your suggestion? I know nothing about how to pick a sub but i want one that is a good match for my system.
And by the way, wemfan, I don't think you need a sub for this room given the way you are going to use it. I am just helping you spend your money if that is what you want to do... :)
I don't really have a budget but want to pick one that would would fit my system in performance. I am under the impression that a sub would really help my system. You don't agree? It would have to be one sub. I just don't have room for two.