any experience with Polymer Audio Research speaker

I just discovered the Polymer Audio webpage, and saw their recent ad in Absolute sound, but have never heard their products. Design certainly looks appealing, but wondering if others have actually heard this line, and can share opinions. They are made here in USA, in south Florida. There were comments about this brand here back in 2008, but nothing since...hummm
btw, the MKS was 42k according to Soundstage, but 60k at the Newport Show. Hmm.
I go to many CES shows and listen to the same systems that all the guru writers listen to. I very seldom like the same rooms that they do. I never heard this speaker, but if I did and did not like it so be it I couldn't care what the press likes.
@Dweinstein, ~ I have been in this hobby for over 40 years. I attend trade-
shows, music concerts and Live Jazz, Rock, and Acoustic shows. Not that I
need to justify my opinions or credentials to a stranger.

I have owned speakers from KEF, Dynaudio, Sonus Faber, Evolution
Acoustics, TAD, Reference 3A and Vienna Acoustics. Electronics from
Audio Research, Edge, Naim, Simaudio, Jeff Rowland, Innersound, CODA,
McCormack and Tom Evans. I know what I like and I don't suffer fools.

You are welcome to your own opinions and impressions. Give the Polymer
a listen on your own. I have heard it twice. may find that it is
"not your cup of tea" either. Not every hype job turns out to be
true. Reviewers are not known for being impartial and IMO are just
audiophiles who get paid to write down their opinions. No more valid than
mine or yours. They have huge conflicts of interest and like everything they
hear or at the least have blinders on.(I am not affiliated with any brand
mentioned above). No axe to grind. BTW, many rooms with multi-thousand
dollar set-ups sounded like crap at every show I have been to. (20% +|- get
it right!)

P.s. You certainly went to a lot of work to criticize my post. I believe it is you
that has an agenda! I just answered the guys question. My prerogative!
Thanks for the beat down, sorry you got your panties in a twist!

"Who are u?" LOL:>) arrogant, classless, twit.
Mbovaird, I just noticed that you are selling your Wilson Alexia speakers. So lets see, you own the speaker that supposedly crushes the Polymer yet you are trying to get rid of it and your unfortunate friend is holding on to his Polymer's? Seems you are the one who is unhappy with his purchase, not your friend. Hmm...
I know someone who recently purchased a pair of MKS-X. I've only listened to them once, after they were broken in and can tell you I wouldn't pay 6K for them. His electronics are pretty good, but as someone else said, the bass was a mess. There was no illusion of presence. They were not at all engaging. This is just my opinion from one listen, but I would seriously caution anyone to listen extensively in a controlled environment and compare to some other, more established brands, both cabinet & dipole, and go for what get's you foot going & puts a smile on your face.