full speaker system, thats close to rear and side

Hello frends,
I've just got back into, the audio world, after a few years away, I wish to upgrade my speakers, as I think the speakers, might be the weak link!!, My System is:
Souice: Well Tempered Labs classic, with Marigo clamp.
Phono pre amp: VTL, diamond, with swichable, plugs, for different cartridges.
Intergrated amp: Krell KAV-300i.
Speakers: Usher Book self's, on stands!!
I am pleased with the above, big time!!, but feel the speakers are the weakest link!!
I live in a penthose appartment, I wish to upgrade the speaker's to full range, at low or loud, to get a full range sound, but placement seems to be a promble!!
I can place speakers two feet from wall, into the lisning area, and toed in, but I have a big, solid book case, on the side's that I can place speakers 1 and a half feet, from sides!!
Hoping you all can help!!
Many Thanks
"I live in Aust"

Is that Australia, Austria, or Austin TX?

Must be somewhere that English is a second language?

There seems, to be anti Krell, people here, let, me tell you, this amp, has blowen away, Naim, etc, It is much like the Bedini, I love it, big time!!
This thead is not about the amp, but the speakers, please keep to the subject!!!!
Hello all
I just want, a honest andswer, for the above, full speakers, that will suite, 2 feet from the back, and the same, from the sides, my unit is a typical town house, can some one help
You have yet to answer a couple questions which will help tremendously; which speakers do you currently use, and maybe even more importantly, what's your budget?