Phono stage rec for Rega P25 with ZYX R100-02H

Just picked up a used but perfect condition Rega P25 and added a ZYX R100-02H cartridge to it. My current phono stage is the Musical Fidelity V-LPS II, but I was thinking of upgrading with a budget of ideally less than $700-800. Any good matches for this turntable/cartridge combo?
Thanks for the recommendation! This is a second table for my office, and I've got a Peachtree Decco hybrid tube integrated amp already, so that's why I'm looking for a separate phono stage. Ones I've been considering:

Clearaudio Basic (though a little more than budget)
Musical Surroundings Phonomena II
Jolida JD9
Simaudio Moon LP110

Any thoughts on these models with my combo or any other suggestions?
A tube phono preamp will take the "edge" of the ZYX and relax it. I would investigate the YS Audio-Concerto Plus(mc-tse)$1100(new) as a possible better sounding option over the Jolida. I'm using an Allnic H-1200/AT OC9 mk2/P9 and it tames the ruthless AT! A used Allnic H-1200 can be had for under $1k. I realize these are a little over budget but don't scrimp on the phono stage especially with a $1k cartridge.
Hey, thanks for your suggestions. I had not considered those but will do some research now!
I use and like the Musical Surroundings Phonomena Nova, similar to the Phonomena II you have in your list.
Other people mention the iFi as being quite good and at a good price.
And the Ray Samuels Audio Nighthawk
Wow, just read some reviews on the Audio Nighthawk and they are quite overwhelmingly positive. This is definitely a contender now ...