Entry level Phono Stage for Dynavector 10x5

Just received some gifts for the Holidays. Among them was a Dynavector 10x5. Well its blown me away. It has really just given me what I have been looking for since I stared this hobby.

Well I am thinking about grabbing a stand alone phono stage. I am using the internal one in my preamp. I am wondering if the Dynavector or the Jolinda phono stage would be a big upgrade.

I am also wondering which to go with. Obviously it makes sense to go with the Dynavector because of how much I already like the cart they produce. That being said some say the MM is really just ok. Its the MC that shines and of course I would use the MM because the 10x5 is a HOMC.

Question is what would be a better choice? Should I just keep what I have? Any thoughts from people who have used these combinations. Or am I better off just keeping what I have and do and upgrade in the future?

I am buying used and don't see upgrading the cart anytime in the near future.
Louisiana. Don't want to name the Town/City or everyone will know who I am talking about.

There is no bringing in your gear to see how it works with new gear. There are no home demos.

I bought speakers from this dealer. Later wanted to hear them with an amp they sold. They just kept demoing them with different speakers. I was not going to beg them. It was a simple request. If I can not demo stuff I might as well buy used blind and save money.

Almost every audiophile I have met in the area has had a bad experience. Very few are customers.
Louisiana. Don't want to name the Town/City or everyone will know who I am talking about.
Almost every audiophile I have met in the area has had a bad experience. Very few are customers.

Then whats the harm in giving out the name of the Town/City?
Seems to me you would be doing your fellow audiophiles a favor.

You might even be do the dealer a favor too. A little bad press may help him get his customer service act together.