Revelation audio labs

Anybody purchase any cables from the above ? My regular distributor purchased a few cables on my urging to replace the umblical cord of my MSB diamond & my phono PSU .
After 2-3 months no sight of cable . After some pushing , the distributor was sent a tracking nos from USPS but no cables in sight? Anybody experience similar prob ?
I thk my friend who is the distributor is initiating refund thru PayPal or credit card chargeback . More than 4 months & no sight . He cheating way should be clearly posted in all forums
Yea, I have had dealings with Brad... Owner of Revelation Audio Labs. He started out OK, years back.He makes some decent cables for the money . Then something changed,for the bad ... to the worst. Started taking orders and NOT deliver product when promised . Pissed off alot of people. I finally have to threaten him... all most a year wait for a headphone cable. We now have a better understanding ... It's called : C.O.D. Payment is made only after cables are in my hands.
My friend finally got his cables - quite a few , after few months of empty promises . COD is the only way to deal with RAL
Had ordered an umbilical cable to put between my Sota Cosmos and the PS. Waited nearly 8 months before the cable arrived. That was around 2007.
Seems that nothing's changed with RAL since then. Has never ordered another cable from him and will never do. Too many cable companies out there that ships within 48hrs after your order is placed. No reason to use a company like RAL regardless how good their cables are.
Stay away from RAL!!!!!