How far have you gone?

I once drove all the way to Maryland from Jersey for a used pair of speakers I had to have.
How far have you traveled for that piece of gear you just had to own?
My next one near 250mi one way to pick up record collection. Part goes to my shelves and part goes for sale.
This kind of trip is usual routine that happens at least once per week.
I once brought a Music Reference RM5 mkII preamp with me on a vacation from Philly to LA and then drove up the coast to SF to personally deliver it. The buyer met me in the lobby of my hotel room and then when he showed up, he asked me about a discount (after the price was long ago negotiated), since he didn't have the opportunity to audition it.

I said, "you're kidding, right? I schlepped this thing all the way here, and drove it up the coast to bring it to you; I have no problem bringing it back home and keeping it." At that point, he paid the price that we agreed upon.
Albuquerque to Durango Colorado which is 3 hours each way to audition a pair of Cabasse Farella 401 speakers. This was at North Star Leading the Way which was the North America dealer for Cabasse and Jadis at that time.

Was so smitten with the 401's/Jadis that I bought and brought them home which resulted in a 4 year love affair with DHT SE 300B amps. Still have the 401's in storage with the intent to finish the outboard passive crossover project/upgrade to them that I started but my love for Alon/Nola is hard to shake :)