Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
It is the speed what makes the Pl-200 special. In speed, focus, depth and in sound it is a lot better than the PL-300. I owned this before the Pl-200. I was never convinced about this speaker. It uses a different filter what makes it a lot different than the Pl-200. The Pl-200 can make a veru wide and deep stage just like Avalon does. But within this stage the focus of instruments and voices is a lot more touchable. It is a 3d image many people never heard in audio before. I also use the 2013 Redwood loudspeakercable, Purist Audio Limited 2013 powercable, Acapella xlr pure silver interconnect and a KE Powersource+ netfilter ( which is superior to the best filters PS Audio makes, I compared them) I played over 8 years with Nautilus 802 and 800 S. B&W weakness are there crossover filters. They are very poor in depth. Wenn you have a wide and deep stage music is superior in realism and it is a lot more addictive to listen. This weekend I bought many new cd's and music bluray's. At the end it is about music!!
Indeed, it's all about music. With the euphonic Audionote stuff I notice that cables and tweaks arent that important. Just less stuff to worry about but dont we all suffer from tweakers itch?
@ Johnsonwu, Hi, Have you tried the Taralabs zero gold interconnects, omega gold speaker cables, cobalt a/c power cables???, LOL!, whats funny is that these cables are copper, and I can tell you that they have as much or more focus than the best silver cables in the world!, and the state of the art body of sound to boot!, I bought these cables over nordost odins, which was a little faster, but it ends there!, the Taras sounded a little warmer and more musical!, not so analitical sounding as the odins!, now thats on my system, I have seen where the odins sounded better on a diferent kind of system than what I have, I use solid state componets and tube componets,with JBL speakers, To me, the Taralabs cables mentioned above had the most realistic sound I know of!, they, As Bo would put it, sounded like the real event of music!,, Happy listening!
Maybe this should have been a yes or no thread then the results could have been tallied up and a winner declared.
Audio is not my work, nor it is my hobby but a part of who I am. This is what I do for a living these days. It never has been work for me. Because it does not cost a lot of energy. It is like 1 and 1 is two. I am addicted to music sinch I was 6. So yessss music is my favorite hobby. A system is only a way to play the music you love. But it can make you enjoy your personal music more. I am gifted to have a photographic memory in sound. It makes listening a lot more easy. Wenn I change a cable of source I know exactly what the difference is between the first and the second option. Wenn I listend to classical music at my friends house I was stunned about the intimate sound of voices and instruments. I wanted a system what could give me the same feeling. I am a perfectionist in everyhing I do. I love to compare and Always looking for the best. Why? Because I want the best, like I want my clients to get the best for there money. I would love to give every person in the world a system like I have. Because I want people to enjoy music. I Always say: I sell emotion. The world of audio is not a nice world. Why? because many many people really don't care what there customers get, they just want to earn as much money as they can. I really don't I want every person to get the best sound as possible for there money. These days in the Netherlands cause of the economic situation the world of audio has a very difficult time. The thing what happens and what I dislike most. Is that shopkeepers are only focussed on how much money the earn for the set. People in shops are told which products will give more money. I call this coloured selling. This I really hate. Because it is the opposite of how I work and think. I never will change the way how I work. I love audio so much that I never could lie to people.