Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
Hi, I am building a so called super system, for what my family makes for money a year, It will be for us, now to clear my name even further of being crazy!, I also own the matching interconnect to the cobalt power cord, the Taralabs Zero Gold that retails for a whoping $14,950.00 before taxes a meter!, I bought my Taralabs zero gold for $5,665.00 free shipping-no pay-pal fees for that as well!, As you can see here on the audiogon, this interconnect is selling right now on the gon for $8,000.00 and $8,200.00,, LOL!, this should do it!, This should clear my name of being crazy!, I have been blessed by God himself of these deals of a life time!, and I am very thankful to God!, you should hear this system!, It is off the chain real sounding!,, cheers, and Happy listening!
Nooo, I have the LE 2013 version. It is about 4000 dollar. I have it connected with the best Oyaide F1 plugs. The Wattgates are not in the same league.
Bo1972, The Taralabs cobalt power cord that I just bought has the same Oyaide plugs!, I have the up-graded version, not the standard version wattgate plugs. cheers!
Yeah that same ad., congrats on what I think is a good buy for a superb cord! Bet it will sound great on your cdp, but on amps too, I've always found good PCs to have equally profound an effect! Enjoy.. :)

*Btw you bought the 1m/$1000 one? Meaning the 6ft/$1900 Cobalt piece still available? And the upgraded plugs, are they retrofitted by factory or seller? Thanks.
@ Bvdiman,, Hi, The sellers user name is rebel721, I do not see eany more cobalts for sale, If I were you, I would send him an audiogon message to his user name, He is a really nice guy, his real name is Robert, I know his last name as well, to be polite, I will not post his last name here,when I talked to him by phone last saturday and made a deal, and I paid for the cable the same day, He told me that he had 1 cobalt left!, He said another buyer a few days earlier bought 3 of the cobalts at the same time!, and yes, the up-graded oyaide plugs were done at the factory!, you may tell him audiolabyrinth sent you,or my name keith, the guy who bought one of his cobalts saturday, the cobalt should be here friday!, yipee!, thankyou for the congrats!, However, My krell 700cx is at krell getting totally renewed, it is only 8 years old, but I had a bias problem that another company failed to fix!, so, since shipping is so high on a 180 pound amp, I asked Krell for the works!, that way i will not have to worry no more!, new caps, software, etc... you get the picture!, It is going to be exspensive!, But I love the sound of this amp, so there you go, Its worth it to me!, please post back with what happens with a cobalt for you, good luck!, cheers!