Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
He was irritated because the person said to him: I do not hear the difference. It is how he hears it. So he has to accept it. The man of Nordost said to him; that it was his limitation. How stuppid you can be to use those words. The difference was noticable but not that big. So he did not give a good demo. He played with Odin, Niodeo and Raidho speakers. He played one of my cd's; Bruce Springsteen Brothers under the bridge. His voice was a little to big in proportion. The instruments were not projected in a lot depth. And I missed resolution at the words endings of his voice. Wenn I play it at home you can hear so much easier the words endings. Ending at a ssss, ttt or th. You could hear it, but it was not that clear. So I understood that the person did not hear it. The demo was not good enough. Many parts were you Judge a system at were not convincing enough. It was there fault and not the person his fault that he could not hear it.
It's one of the most common leitmotiv in High-end business : if you can't ear it, you're the problem!
It's so stupid to say that! Just say to the guy that he's lucky cause he's gonna save a lot of money in the process!
On my system, some friends are hypnotized by the sound, some are not able to ear the improvement and many of them tell me i'm crazy to spend so much money on that! It doesn't mean they're stupid...
Hifi is a mind game...
The biggest problem is that most audio stuff is not good enough. So I understand that people are not convinced. In over 15 years of time I know that over 95% of all audio is not that special or good. But people still buy it. Wenn I visit some, you often hear a low level for too much money. Wenn you use the right stuff at the right way you can convince every person. Also women. That is why I Always focus on owmen. Women have a better hearing than men.But the interest of men in audio is bigger. So you need to triger them. That is why I Always have a lot of different music with me. So they can play the music they know and like. Quality sells itself. So use the best so it will make it more easy to understand and convince. You have to keep it this simple!
I don't think women have better ears. I think they are more connected with their emotions. For example, my wife aren't interested in Hifi but on my new system (based on Usher audio speakers and Music culture electronics), she cried on a song she already knew and listened on my previous system. The emotion was so palpable that she felt the sadness of the song.
Women didn't think like men over hifi system. Men are "brainiac" and more connected on details, bandwidth, sound staging... Emotion comes after and not on every guys...
Another story : One guy comes over to my place with his electronics (melody tube amps). He wanted to test Usher speakers. First he came alone. On a second occasion, he came with his wife to be sure of the improvement. His wife laughed at him after the first musical notes cause my system was WAY better than his...She mentioned the emotion and overall balance sound. He bought Usher audio MINI-2 after that...
So you see women can have a positive impulse on the stuff we buy. In the past I had a Nordost demo of the SPM loudspeakercable. First he didn't hear the difference with his other Nordost cable. The difference was big to be honnest. What I did was learning him were he should focus at during listening to his favorite music. I used one of his favorite tracks. We played the song 4-5 times. And I told him were to focus at. After 20 minutes and some more songs it became clear for him what the difference was. But he said; my girlfriend plays half. So I said to him; you can lend it for some days. After 3 days he called back. He said; I buy it, we love it. What I did was what you learned me a few days ago. I try to keep audio as simple as possible for everybody. That includes women as well!