Linn Components

Ok guys a little honesty will go a long way. I’m just wondering why Linn Gear in general is not well regarded, known or liked by many. I myself love the Linn sound, which in my opinion is more true to the music than most of my friends systems. I am not going to mention names of components as all of us have different tastes. I’m tired of having to explain why I have chosen Linn.

I heartily agree with Lugnut. I tried my first tube pre-amp in 1984 and haven't gone back. Now have a Joule Electra LA150 mkII and it's superb. Makes wonderful music.

I think the Harbeth C7s need a good amount of power, though, and am just today gettin' the itchin' to check out a 100wt tube amp.
Okay,Pat,you win. I am slow on the uptake, but I am finally getting the message. I'll try more tube preamp auditions and then get back to you.
I really like Linn gear, too, and have had the Majik, the Karik and the Sekrits, which are fabulous little speakers. What I don't like is that Linn USA won't deal directly with customers on service issues; you have to go through a dealer. Kind of a pain for a used-equipment buyer. Linn's reliability ameliorates that issue, but my Karik did have a problem, and I had to go through my Linn dealer and get a little lecture on buying used equipment.
I just read this thread and I feel that I have to mention what happened to my Linn Movie Classik.

One night while the system was on standby mode, the screen went dark. The only sign of life was a blinking light on the back inditcating that it was "trasnsmitting"! otherwise nothing.

I took it to a Linn dealer and they sent it off for repair. Two and a half month later I got it back working and had to pay $237 for the reapir. I had it for 3 years and it was not under warrantee.

Linn in Florida was not able to fix it and they sent to Scoltand, they were not able to fix it either and had to replace the main board.

Just a data point in this discussion.