GMA Europa owners use what amp?

Curious what over GMA Europa owners are using to push their speakers. Do you use a sub?
I owned GMA Europas for over a year. I ran them with a Pass Labs x250 SS amp, then a Manley Stingray Integrated and finally with a pair of AES Sixpacs. I much preferred tubes with the Europas, their bottom end is not to impress, I liked the magic of the mids and highs and what the tubes did with them. My opinion, I've talked to others who had exactly the opposite findings. It all comes down to personal choice.
I am using a DK VS 1 (mark1) Seems to work for me enough to say I want to move up Roy's line.

I built a system entirely around the Europas without ever first hearing them. On Roy's quiet recommendation I bought Edge gear -- the M8 amp and T-3 preamp. Marvelous. I learned a lot about high-fidelity with this setup. About a year afterwards, I inserted rebuilt Heathkit UA-2 monoblocs with NOS tubes. Heavenly!

The M8 emits 175 watts and had seemingly limitless current reserves; The UA-2's are 50 years old, dual 6BQ5's per side, pounding out a measured 16 watts per side. Huge transformers. Absolutely flat from 20hz to >20khz.

I am always conscious of the need to be careful not to overdrive the smaller amps, possibly damaging the tweeters, but I honestly do not suffer for realistic SPL's. They are really impressive. And this is a sound I can live with for a long time. I should add that there is a single Tyler sub good down to mid-twenties also in the system.

I also have Allen 75's (60 watts per side)and Sherwood S-360's (36 watts per side). These also are in the same league with the UA-2's.

By the way, I sold the Edge pieces and could not be more happy and satisfied with my sound.

Amps and preamps may come and go but I think I'll have the Europas a long time.
I should have emphasized that I have no complaints about the Edge equipment. My happiness is of a completely subjective nature having to do with the preferred equipment, not in the fact of having rid myself of Edge gear. Edge Electronics is a first class company with commensurate people and equipment.