lamm with ? preamp

Does anyone have experience with the M1.1,1.2,2.1, or 2.2 hybrid amps with preamps such as BAT vk-51se as I would need a remote (hence the non lamm preamp). Current speakers are jm lab micro utopia be with rel studio sub, but may go with wilson or larger jm lab in the future.
I use to use a Rowland Synergy IIi preamp with my Lamm M1.1 ... Awesome remote control! Now I'm using a Theta Gen VIII which is just as awesome plus it's my DAC and I can run without one less $$$$ cable! I used a Placette and a CJ Premier 14 also but had Gain problems because they didn't have enough volume increments. Too loud for low level listening. So be careful of preamp matching the Lamm's.
I currently use the M2.1s with my Ayre K-1XE preamp, which has a remote, (as well as a phono stage, should you need one.) It is a solid state preamp, and I like it a great deal. Very musical, neutral and detailed. It is also dead quiet, which is a quality I highly prize. (I use the Revel Studios, if that matters to you.)

My friend uses the ARC Ref. 3, which also has a remote, (although no phono stage.) It is also very musical, and detailed. It is not as neutral or as quiet, as it is a tube preamp. (However, being a tube preamp means it has its own charm, as it has a slight warmth to the mid-range that mine does not.) It does a a bit of tube rushing noise, but so does most tube equipment. (I do not like tube rushing, which is why I got of my tube preamps and went solid state.) FYI, he uses the Avalon Eidolons. Great speakers with the Lamms, btw.
I like my friend's system a lot, so I would highly recommend the ARC, should you prefer tubes over solid state. (The ARC Ref. 2 sounded very similar to the Ref. 3, (as per my friends opinion), if you can't quite afford the Ref. 3.)

Good Luck in your search.
Second to the Ayre K1. I use Ayre K1(remote control) with Lamm 1.1s driving a pair of WP5.1.I am very happy with the sound now but maybe upgrade to the 7 in the future.
I have Lamm ML 2.1 SET at 18 wpc driving my Wilson X-2's. I tried Vladimir's L2 preamp in ,y system and found it very cold. I use the ARC Ref 3 and IMO it is the most musical preamp that I have ever used