lamm with ? preamp

Does anyone have experience with the M1.1,1.2,2.1, or 2.2 hybrid amps with preamps such as BAT vk-51se as I would need a remote (hence the non lamm preamp). Current speakers are jm lab micro utopia be with rel studio sub, but may go with wilson or larger jm lab in the future.
Second to the Ayre K1. I use Ayre K1(remote control) with Lamm 1.1s driving a pair of WP5.1.I am very happy with the sound now but maybe upgrade to the 7 in the future.
I have Lamm ML 2.1 SET at 18 wpc driving my Wilson X-2's. I tried Vladimir's L2 preamp in ,y system and found it very cold. I use the ARC Ref 3 and IMO it is the most musical preamp that I have ever used