BEL 1001 amps. Specs and ordering

Does anyone know how to contact the owner of Brown Electronics Labs about their BEL 1001 amps? Also, Are the amps pure class A and can anyone compare the sound to other high quality amps?
I'm currently using Channel Islands D200 mono blocks with Odyssey Lorelei sepakers.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Hi Michael,

It may be a myth but that is how Dick describes them. I have heard the Mk V as I have all the other iterations. My opinion is based on those experiences. I much prefer the others, especially the Ayre, to the Bel. Different strokes.


Different Strokes I guess. As for Class A, I speak with Richard often (I live close by) and I've never heard him describe them as Class A. They are definitely not. However, that have many of the sonic attributes of Class A. When pressed on the matter he explains things in a far too technical manner for me to understand.

Regarding Ayre, a friend is an Ayre / BEL dealer. The team at the store, the cusomters and the various reps coming through all agree that the BEL is superior. I guess it would have to be the system you're listening in.

As always, YMMV!
Narrod: I totally agree I have listen to the Bel 1001 amps since the early 90's and yes Mikej I found the latest boring just like the others.. maybe it is just a lack of headroom or something or a lack of current... I don't know.. nothing really stood out....

You definitely need to run them in Mono.

Turek: You should really find someone or somewhere to listen to these since you are use to so much effortless power with your current setup. The Other option is to upgrade your preamp which you don't state as I find that the preamp makes an amazing difference in a system.

Good luck!
Forgot to mention that using BEL cables also can make a huge difference. They're not expensive, but they are the only cable I've heard with the BEL amps that let's the sound through without coloration. Anyway, systems and rooms make different impressions.

I do seem to remember discussions back in the 90s. The amps were marketed as Class A but Richard said they weren't true Class A but not really Class AB either. My memory is shaky but I do remember the technical explanation was beyond me. I haven't seen any Bel literature in quite awhile. I do recall that early brochures described them as Class A. Of course, it's not really an issue. Buyers care about the sound and most don't think or care about the design.


