Musical Fidelity and Sonus Grand Piano too bright.

Hi All,

I'm finding that this set-up is a little on the bright side (acoustic guitar especially). Sometimes I get ear fatiuge. Everything is all burned in. I've had all the equipment for over one year.

I'm considering changing all the electronics, but not sure where to start. I'm looking for SS stuff with a tube-like sound. My price range would be something comparable to the MF stuff. My only contraint is that my new electronics must have an HT bypass.

My system consists of the following:
1)Sonus Grand Piano Home (not Domus);Walls & Solo
2)Musical Fidelity A308 Integrated
3)MF A3.24 DAC
4)Synergistic Alpha Quad Interconnects and Speaker Cables.


Try new speaker cables like the Transparent Music Wave Plus (current MM version or previous version). The MF electronics are a little bright and the Synergistics may be highlighting the issue. The Synergistics are good cables, just not the right match for the MF amp.

If the speakers can be bi-wired and you are using the stock copper plates between the tweeter and woofer inputs, try using better jumper cables between the inputs. Transparent also make some good ones.

Chadlesko has a good point about isolation. The heavy gauge aluminum chassis of the MF has a high resonance frequency that could make the highs brighter. Using the Audioquest Sorbothane feet or the Black Diamond Racing Cones could help.
I've heard the Grand Pianos with an Audio Research 100.2 and Transparent cabling and liked it very well indeed. The MF electronics are probably not ideally matched to the treble of the speakers.
I agree - the MF 308 is on the bright side. Newer MF is a little darker and doesn't have that bightness anymore. I have never heard a pair of SF speakers sound bright so I don't think they are the problem. I would suggest trying a McIntosh MA6500. Arthur
I thought about doing some sort of isolation. This might be the most cost effective altnerative. Also want to add that I'm using the MF x10v3 Tube Buffer between the DAC and transport (old CD player), so my system just might need a little tweeking.
I have the same system and the treble is a realy big problem. The problem is the amplifier. I´ve heard whith a copland, a plinius and the treeble was smooth. I´m choosing a new amplifier.