audio research LS15 preamplifier

what is the difference between balanced input and direct input in the LS15 preamp? can somebody provide some information on these?
my cd player has only RCA output, can I used a RCA/XLR adapter and connect it to balanced or direct input on the LS15?
I think Direct is a little flat sounding compared to Bal. But the difference is very small, you're right.
I have the LS-15 and use the Direct input for my DAC and the Balanced input for my phono stage. I can't say that I hear a big difference. Obviously you receive some advantges in gain when using balanced. Theoretically balanced makes a difference in very long cable runs. My entire system is balanced now because I was determined to benefit from the balanced optioned offered by the LS-15. Like the others I would not use the adapter.
anyone else ?
I recently got a hold of my former LS15 and i'm wondering about the direct vs bal with TRUE balanced inputs. I will post my findings later...