Ayre V-5xe best tube pre-amp to match with?

I own an Ayre V-5xe power amp and strongly consider a very good tube pre - or the matching K-5xe pre amp from Ayre. Any suggestions?
I am currently using an ARC LS-5 (GNSC mod) with excellent results. I would consider limiting your choices to units w true balanced output to optimize performance of the V-5XE.
In my experience, the BAT 51SE has mated very well with both my AYRE v1xe and v6x (will all bal runs).
thanks so far for your responds. one question to all of you: why didn´t you choosed an Ayre pre-amp?
The K5xe is an excellent solid state preamp at its price level. However, they're better to be had in the tube arena. The Ayre K1xe is an excellent preamp anyway you want to slice it but very expensive. If you have the money, it mates superbly.
I agree with the BAT 51se recommendation also. Good match.
I don't have, but have heard Ayre amps paired very nicely with VTL tube preamps. Very musical combo. The VTL 7.5 is amazing, but very pricey; believe the new 6.5 or even the 5.5 might be a match.