Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Cedar and Sherod
Thank you for responding. Particulaly good to hear that the more basic 2.0n has satisfied, and that the tube upgrade is worth it. I am salvating, now just have to gather funds and support from my dear one.

I would recommend that you discuss your needs with Victor Comanchero, Joseph's sale's rep and confidante. Victor is very knowledgeble and helpful and has always answered all my e-mails with great detail. I would have possibly upgraded to the balanced transformer, however, my amps don't have balanced inputs at this time, but I can get them upgraded anytime. My amps are the VAC Musicbloc monoblocks and they mate extremely well with the TP-2.0n preamp. Joseph and Victor might be familiar with your amp so they can suggest which version of the preamp would best suit your needs. I have a feeling that once you hear this preamp after its break-in period, you'll be very pleased with it's wonderful musicality.
Well how about that, I started this thread months ago and now it's back like a proverbial boomerang.I now have a TP 2.0nB.After a traditional burn in period I auditioned against my Aesthetix Calypso.It was evident within several minutes that the TP 2.0 was superior in every way,and that was with the stock EH tubes.I recently acquired a quad of
NOS Siemens which raised the bar another level.
After 30 years of upgrading,buying,selling and tweaking it is my considered opinion that this pre amp alone is most dramatic improvement I have experienced in my system. It has no remote,well I had to open another bottle of wine anyway,right.
TP 2.0n user with tube upgrade. It works well with Wadia 581. This is my first tube preamp, the only downside is I need to turn it off after listening to save the life of tube.
I'm glad to see that you are enjoying your TP 2.0 preamp. To state confidently that it is sonically superior to the Aesthetix Calypso is high praise indeed as the Calypso is highly revered in the audiophile community. Yes, I also don't mind it not having a remote because I too need to take the time to open up that bottle of wine. Cheers and happy listening.