Von scheikert VR4jr what are you using ?

I just got a new pair and I am wondering what amp would be best. I have a Cary SLP-98F1 as a pre and currently using a V12 to drive them. I have a BAT VK-200 as a spare and I am going to hook it up this week end, to see how it sounds with the SLP.
I originally heard the VR's driven by NuForce 9.02 mono's, they sounded fantastic. They were in a treated HT room, which is totally diferent than my space. Right now before break in they sound good but I get don't get close to the sound I heard in the demo room(of coarse I never do). I can only come out about 1 1/2 ft. from the front wall, so I'm pretty sure that is where I lose a lot of the spatiousness.
I am curious to see what other VR4jr owners are using and what they have heard elsewhere.
Jgiacalo- what spikes are you using? I have a pair of Vr2s and would like to replace the spikes. I was looking at some Mapleshade ones but being able to rake the speaker back is a must. Are yours height adjustable?
I'm running Channel Islands D-200 monoblocks with my VR-4jrs. Dusty usually uses Von Schweikert speakers in his demos -- here's a photo of the Channel Islands Audio / Von Schweikert room at the recent HE2006 show.


I'm using a bi-wired pair of Gregg Straley's "Reality Cables" and the set up, while still breaking in, sounds fantasic.

Good luck in your search.
I'm waiting for a pair of VAC Standard 90 mono blocks to arrive. Albert has paired VAC equiptment with his speakers
at CES. Kevin Hayes of VAC is very enthusiastic about the JR'S with the mono blocks. I'll weigh in when I get things set up. I have Silversmith wire all around. Before this latest upgrade I had been using an integrated ASL and things sounded pretty darn good with the JRS.
I talked to someone at Von Schweikert yesterday, not Albert, and I was given some placement advice. I now have them spread apart about 12 ft and the soundstge is much wider and a little more spatious. They are sounding better as they get more playing time. I have only about 15 hours on them so far, a long way to go yet. I am not sure if I will change to the VK-200 yet, I may wait until they are broken in a little more.
I do have them bi-wired and I have been looking for some lead shot. So far I haven't found anyone that has shot available in bulk.
Thanks for all your input and keep them coming
(Long - sorry but here goes) I drive mine w/ Channel Islands D-200s. I actually bought my VR4JRs from Dusty at CIAudio - I think he said that they were the same ones used to help voice the D200s.
Maybe a diversion here, but I must tell you (all)-
I was initially disappointed in the sound of this combo - (JRs came broken in, and amps were reviewer units returned to CIA, lead shot added) flabby overblown bass, no sense of immediacy, snare drums lacked any snap - Just dull and bloated. BUT NO MORE!
I have mine on a suspended wood floor. I placed a 6' 4x4 brace under the middle of the room, and OMIGOD did the sound improve (the look of disbelief on my wife's face was priceless). So if this made that much of a difference, I had to try more. So now I have 2 12' 4x4s w/ 4 support columns supporting the floor - Each floor joist (they run across room side to side) is anchored to a 4x4 in two places with pairs of angle irons, in case joist doesn't touch 4x4. Not done yet - ran bead of silicone between each joist and the flooring above it. Absolutely transformed the sound of the system. There is no amount of cables, equipment, EQ, anything that could have made this level of improvment. I cannot express the extent of this transformation, from the bass all the way up.
One last tweak - The floor spikes are 16.5" apart - This allows the spikes to sit directly on the joists, directly above two support columns.
I did not notice this problem, pre-bracing, w/ my B&W CDM7NTs - I think the JRs put so much energy into the floor that this becomes a major component of the ultimate sound.

Hope that this helps someone to extract the maximum from these speakers.