what amps mate well with Zu Definition

have the vac 30/30 sig mk3 now and the sound is very nice,the background could be a bit more quite though.just wondering if any amps are shinning with the Def's???? thks for any advice..
I clicked on Audiogon and somehow wound up on Emeril Lagasse's site. BAM !

What time is dinner, Grant?
07-17-06: Warrenh
Ooolala. Peter Lugar sauce and their Porterhouse for two: doesn't get much better than that, especially at the Lugars by the Williamburg Bridge.
Is there any other? Not in my book.

I would prefer my pine nuts toasted in the oven (or toaster oven) with no added oil to interact with the pine nut chemistry.
Toasting any nuts or seeds on the stovetop in a saute pan is a common method. Do a Google search for "toasting saute pan" and you'll get a list of recipes like this one for Red Lentil Dal that calls for this technique. Use a good saute pan, like an All Clad. No oil. Of course not. We're not talking about sauteing. Low heat. Shake the pan occasionally like you're making pop corn. Keep 'em moving. BAM! Toasted pine nuts!

Kick that pesto up a notch.
"is there any other? Not in my book"---yes, there's the Peter Lugars in Manhasset. Same, but different location. Drop dead amazing. The one by the Williamsburg Bridge is the original. Lugars in Manhasset is easier for beach bums and the like.

I get ya with the pine nuts. will definately give it a try next time around...