Need feedback from Bryston amp owners

I'm thinking of buying the Bryston 3B SST amp. Does anyone have this amp or a comparable amp like the 4B SST? I heard they are strong in the low end (bass).
Dynamically limited relates to the quantity and speed of power available during dynamic transients. In other words, i've found Bryston's to be lacking in "useable" dynamic headroom. The aforementioned Stereophile article notes this also, as the reviewer found the 500 wpc Bryston going into clipping before the 350 wpc Levinson unit that he compared them to. There was also another smaller ( than the Bryston ) amp mentioned in that review ( can't remember what it was ), but they also stated that it also "dynamically" out-powered the Bryston.

Other than that, a well designed SS amp just keeps delivering more power as impedance is reduced. Obviously, it's going to run out of steam at some point, but prior to that point, it's either got it or it doesn't. Sean
Adding to my last post, the lack of headroom and resultant momentary clipping could explain why some folks experience listening fatigue with Bryston's. That is, the non-linear high frequency distortion and smearing that result bother them enough to make the amps unlistenable over a period of time.

Obviously, not everyone or every situation may run into this problem. Some can hear things that others don't. Some have loudspeaker & cabling loads that might aggravate the situation whereas others may have more benign loads. Some might / might not listen loud enough for the problem to arise. This could be why there seems to be such a controversial take on this specific subject. Sean
Sean, your comments might explain why my 4B SST shut down prematurely when driving Aerial 7B loudspeakers, and why I found both my 4B SST and 14B SST to be bright sounding.

Anyway, I eventually sold them both.
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Is this the review you are talking about?

I don't see where they compared the Bryston to any other amplifiers in terms of dynamic headroom, either in the review or the measurements section. Greenhill does talk about the amp's dynamics on page 4, but not in a negative way. As far as measurements, the amp seemed to meet it's published specs at 4 and 8 ohms. Bryston doesn't provide a 2 ohm rating, but the amp could be said to fall short there. Only 720W with one channel driven.