
Responses from keneallyfan

Help, Strange Static Sound Recurring
Definitely don't mess with the fuses with the power on. It sounds to me like the problem may not be the amp at all, but rather the speaker you have attached to the right channel. I say this for two reasons. First, Rowland has had the amp twice and... 
Fuse blown on RB-1080 with new pair of DynAudio's
If you had the amp powered off as you say, I don't think you should have heard any sound coming out of the speakers while connecting the wires. I suppose it's possible that a discharge of static electricity could cause a popping sound, but I don't... 
Can tubes ever be as quiet Solid State
I'd love to know what conditions that measurement was taken under to get a number like that. 
Your Favorate JBL's from the 70's
I had a friend who had a set of L212s. Listening to those speakers is what got me interested in hi-fi. 
Best Concert Film
Miner42 wrote..."Richard Manuel commited suidice shorty afte the film"Actually, it was seven or eight years after the film.I lived in Kingston, NY between 1984-1986. There was a little bar called the Getaway Country Inn in Woodstock that I believe... 
Need feedback from Bryston amp owners
Sean: In contrast, I often find it difficult to compare stereo components. Admittedly, my experience is pretty limited. I have done speaker and amp comparisions at dealers, mainly due to logistics. The only home audition involved a couple of CD pl... 
Need feedback from Bryston amp owners
Again, my comments were more of a metaphysical nature than a defense of Bryston. Basically I am asking when we hear a noise from our systems that we don't like, why do we assume it's the amps fault? Any speaker on the market is tons less linear, b... 
Need feedback from Bryston amp owners
For what it's worth, I think Bryston has a history of being fairly honest about the performance of their products in terms of driving very low impedances. For example, it is well documented in the owners manual not to use the bridging feature with... 
Need feedback from Bryston amp owners
Is this the review you are talking about? don't see where they compared the Bryston to any other amplifiers in terms of dynamic headroom, either in the review or the measurements section. Greenhill does t... 
Need feedback from Bryston amp owners
What is the definition of an amplifier? It's an electrical circuit that increases the magnitude of it's input signal. To create an exact replica of it's input, it must increase all frequencies equally. What comes in should come out exactly the sam... 
differences between tube and solid state designs
And you determined these amps that you were listening to were clipping how, exactly? I constantly hear this stuff on these groups, hard vs soft clipping, even vs odd harmonics, class A vs class AB, tubes are valves and transisters are switches, et... 
differences between tube and solid state designs
"I suspect that some of the low-level articulation advantages attributed to high efficiency speakers is due to their typically being driven by Class A amplifiers which have no crossover distortion]."The sensitivity/efficiency measurement of speake... 
Bryston Amp for Magnepan 3.5R
Bryston does not recommend bridging their amps into 4 ohm loads, so I don't think that is the way to go. I used a 3B-ST with a pair of MG12s, and that was a good match. Some people don't like Bryston with the true ribbon models, but Fremer mention... 
Help Loud pop when muting BAT VK-3i preamp
600$ to replace a capacitor? 
Who's Your Favorite Bass Players; Why?
I was talking about Patrick O'Hearn and Scott Thunes...