Need feedback from Bryston amp owners

I'm thinking of buying the Bryston 3B SST amp. Does anyone have this amp or a comparable amp like the 4B SST? I heard they are strong in the low end (bass).
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i've owned the 3bst , 3bsst. Both are very good amps. Very strong in the bass, dynamic, bold and powerful.

However, i was able to borrow the mccormack, Krells and classe of similar power rating.

I feel that after the audition, the Bryston could use some refinement. The mccormack, Krells and even the classe-- i personally feel is more refine, more finesse. The mccormack especially has a very nice mids and highs that I prefer to the colder sounding Krells.

Its best you do an audition if possible to see if the Brystons are for you. I'm keeping my Brystons for what they can do.

Someday I can use these for HT apps.

Good luck.
For what it's worth, I think Bryston has a history of being fairly honest about the performance of their products in terms of driving very low impedances. For example, it is well documented in the owners manual not to use the bridging feature with speakers rated at less than 8 ohms, and have seen them discuss this on the web as well.

I am not sure I understand the comparisons to tube amps. How many of them double into lower impedances? Just taking some random shots in the Stereophile archive, I didn't see any. Is there actually audio tube amps in the marketplace that will deliver 700W into any load? The most powerful amp I saw was the VTL S-400 at 350W, but it costs as much as a Camry.
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Keneallyfan: There are NO tubed amps that "double down", at least as far as i know. As i mentioned, tubes operate very differently than SS amps. There really is no comparison in terms of power and current capacity, especially as impedances drop.

Bob: Amp designers are only at the mercy of their own skills and design / manufacturing budget. After that, it's strictly a matter of the consumer doing their homework and purchasing / using compatible equipment. Hopefully, this thread and some of the information contained within it may help some people do just that i.e. further educate them about this subject and help them with their future purchases. Sean