best bang for the buck tube preamp?

would like to try out a tube pre to see if tubes are for me without spending big bucks($250-$500). two channel, no phono and i need two sets of outputs.
Surprised nobody has mentioned the Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 or better yet, the Signature version if you can find it. Here are links to two currently listed SFL-1's.

BTW, they also come with a black faceplate.
HemiDakota (Dodge guy?),

Forgot to mention- the phono stage on a stock DYNACO pas3 is exceptional. Not the end all- but pretty sweet. In case you ever wanted to spin some records- it's really there...

As suggested before, the PAS2/3 in stock form is pretty pedestrian- but it's an absolute rocket ship for someone trying out his first tube pre. It's certainly not INcompetent. Ask around. Upgrades can transform the little PAS into something most peoples' budget would not allow otherwise.

And due to their overwhelming popularity and long run- they are ALWAYS for sale. There are a huge amount of forum threads and websites dedicated to these little gems. Support, parts, and just about everything else for them is readily available.

Such can be said of the bottlehead Foreplay, too. It's a classic. 2 very good choices, trust me.
Check out the entry level Tube Preamp from Space Tech Labs. some reviews can be found here and other forms that will hold it's own against those costing $2-3K all for $480.
I will second (ot third?) the Bottlehead Foreplay.

Note, the new Foreplay III is not the easiest build out there. It sounds superb but it is a bit a more involved build than the ver II they had before. Never-the-less, for double the money of the foreplay, I doubt anything comes close.
