best bang for the buck tube preamp?

would like to try out a tube pre to see if tubes are for me without spending big bucks($250-$500). two channel, no phono and i need two sets of outputs.
Check out the entry level Tube Preamp from Space Tech Labs. some reviews can be found here and other forms that will hold it's own against those costing $2-3K all for $480.
I will second (ot third?) the Bottlehead Foreplay.

Note, the new Foreplay III is not the easiest build out there. It sounds superb but it is a bit a more involved build than the ver II they had before. Never-the-less, for double the money of the foreplay, I doubt anything comes close.

I have the Bottlehead Foreplay II, not the newest edition, and it is a great little pre for the money. However, for a few hundred bucks more, I would strongly urge you to consider the Mapletree Audio Ultra 4A or the Triplex. What you will get will be better overall resolution and tonality and I think you will be happier in the long run. At the time I was looking for an upgrade for my Foreplay (upgrade fever), I took a risk with Mapletree and have not a single regret or ever felt to need to look elsewhere ever since. Since then, I have convinced a couple of other devout audiophiles to give it a try. Each and everyone has found the same results I did, a warm, but resolving, engaging and musical preamp. Mapletree Audio is an often overlooked company that really deserves more attention. Check out their website at and take a look at what they have to offer. The designer and operator of the company, Lloyd Peppard, is a great guy who stands behind his products 110% and can answer any questions you have. You should also check out the Mapletree Audio user forum on In my opinion, the MAD products are the best bang for the buck in audio today.