CAT versus Berning

I have a CAT JL2 amplifier driving Merlin VSM-MX speakers. I'm considering changing to a Berning ZH270. Anyone have experience of these two amps either in the context of a Merlin or other speakers. I am using a Placette Passive (after a few years of the CAT SL1). I have no good reason for changing, as the JL2s are exceptionally good, but as we all know, part of the hobby is change, I just don't want to go backwards.
I thought I would try to revive this question. Only chnage isthat I now have the Joule LA-150MKII preamp, I found the need for a tube pre because of the BAM unit that comes with my Merlin Speakers. So CAT verus Berning, any opinions.
The only advice I can offer is that when I owned my LA-100 MkIII I considered matching it with either the Berning or a Joule amp. This was based on much of the research I did here and other members comments. I have seen where a few people use the Berning with Merlin speakers and of course Joule and Merlin are a pretty classic combination. Of course all this is irrelevant to me now as I did an about face and went in a totally different direction with both preamp and amp. I hope this helps.
You might just ask Bobby Palkovic for his opinion. I'm sure he could articulate the differences between the two since he is intimately familiar with both with his speakers.
Where does the Ars fit in this equation? You could keep all three for a personnal "Flavor-of-the-Month" club? I heard the Berning with the Caliburn TT in the Signal-Fi room last year in L.A.(I forget the name of the speakers)and it sounded great.