Amps with low gain

Which amps have low gain? Also I feel an amp has too much gain/sensitivity,
would solution be to attach passive preamp?
Pass amps have low sensitivity but also have below average input impedance which limits the preamp choices, particularly passives. Gamut amps can be adjusted by the dealer.

The Promethius TVC's (am I spelling that correctly?) are a bargain but don't have features of the Bent Audio TAP or Placette. You also should have sources over 1K output impedance to match well with these. I also suggest using XLR IC's with passives but not mandatory.

What voltage does your CDP put out? The "standard" is 2V but some can go as high as 6.
You also should have sources over 1K output impedance to match well with these

I believe you mean under, not over, and the lower the better unless you order a special unit from Placette with a higher input impedance like I did.

Samuell, what are you trying to accomplish? What equipment do you have?
Sorry I am not looking for lo gain, but lo input sensitivity so I have more volume control.
Ngjockey- "The Promethius TVC's (am I spelling that correctly?) are a bargain but don't have features of the Bent Audio TAP or Placette. " What features are you talking about?

Herman- Do cassette decks have low output impedeance? Which cdp have lo output impedance?
Low gain and low sensitivity are basically 2 ways of saying the same thing but I understand what you want. A passive might be the answer. Contact Guy Placette. He is very responsive and won't steer you wrong.

Almost all sources have a fairly low output impedance, solid state ones especially but most tube units are low enough.