Amps with low gain

Which amps have low gain? Also I feel an amp has too much gain/sensitivity,
would solution be to attach passive preamp?
You also should have sources over 1K output impedance to match well with these

I believe you mean under, not over, and the lower the better unless you order a special unit from Placette with a higher input impedance like I did.

Samuell, what are you trying to accomplish? What equipment do you have?
Sorry I am not looking for lo gain, but lo input sensitivity so I have more volume control.
Ngjockey- "The Promethius TVC's (am I spelling that correctly?) are a bargain but don't have features of the Bent Audio TAP or Placette. " What features are you talking about?

Herman- Do cassette decks have low output impedeance? Which cdp have lo output impedance?
Low gain and low sensitivity are basically 2 ways of saying the same thing but I understand what you want. A passive might be the answer. Contact Guy Placette. He is very responsive and won't steer you wrong.

Almost all sources have a fairly low output impedance, solid state ones especially but most tube units are low enough.
Herman - Thanks for the correction. I gotta cut back on the nog.

Samuel - Remote control is one feature many seem to like. The only source I would really worry about is the phono, if you have it.