Feedback on Audiogon

I just wanted to express how pleased I am with Audiogon. I couldn't be happier with how my recent auction went. The fee is much more reasonable than Ebay, and the buyer was great. Thanks for a great site!
I was not referring to the feedback, I meant to say that my personal dealings as a buyer or seller have all been positive; true it has only been 6-8 transactions, but overall I deal with audiogon members with a high level of confidence - not that there might not be a bad apple out there.
"the information and entertainment value of the site is priceless".

And much of the information is entertainment.

The inability to leave negative feedback also makes people's ratings more entertainment than information. It seems like one of those warm cuddly exercises run amok.
Audiogon has been very good, I met a lot a good audiophile
people in this site.This is more of a community.Most of
the members here are honest.Audiogon staff are very helpful.
Snofun3, you are probably right about the value of the ratings. I usually don't pay too much attention to them, if any. I go by my gut instinct based on how the person sounds, how interested in the hobby they seem, and other intagible factors. Fortunately, I have had nothing but good experiences so far. I hope I have not jinxed myself.
I have to say without Agon I wouldn't have close to the system I have today. Nor would I have the knowledge I've gained either. Truly a worthwhile and addictive site. Happy listening!