Feedback on Audiogon

I just wanted to express how pleased I am with Audiogon. I couldn't be happier with how my recent auction went. The fee is much more reasonable than Ebay, and the buyer was great. Thanks for a great site!
Audiogon has been very good, I met a lot a good audiophile
people in this site.This is more of a community.Most of
the members here are honest.Audiogon staff are very helpful.
Snofun3, you are probably right about the value of the ratings. I usually don't pay too much attention to them, if any. I go by my gut instinct based on how the person sounds, how interested in the hobby they seem, and other intagible factors. Fortunately, I have had nothing but good experiences so far. I hope I have not jinxed myself.
I have to say without Agon I wouldn't have close to the system I have today. Nor would I have the knowledge I've gained either. Truly a worthwhile and addictive site. Happy listening!
Audio buys I have made on ebay have varied widely in quality of product received. Nothing like that for me on audiogon (except, I have learned not to by from Canada--see the other thread). The 'gonners know their equipment and how to describe it. People with 0 feedback and who take money order only...I avoid. Haven't sold anything here for a while, so not aware of price increases....Do not like the censorship of the posts that goes on, but it's a small price to pay.
Could I be just as addicted to the Gon as I am to my audio sys? Sometimes I think so. I've learned so much here (thanks to all of you).

Sorry to say that I just had my first borderline lousy experience with a seller. The item I received (speaker cables) should have been rated a 4-5 of 10. The seller had them rated a 9/10. I was shocked at their condition. Fortunately, the seller refunded my money plus shipping both ways. But, it was a bit of a wake-up call. I'll be a bit more careful from here on.