McIntosh C1000 tube pre vs. ARC Ref 3?

Has anybody heard these against each other? Both are very well received by the audio press.
I wouldn't say all that. The verdict on the ARC 3 is that it is "Audio Research's best preamplifier ever".

The C1000 got Stereophile's Product of the Year. I wouldn't even mention the two pieces in the same breath. The McIntosh is the clear winner here by a country mile, even though I will admit I haven't heard the ARC. I heard an ARC Ref 2 for a while, and the C200 murdered it IMO. The 1000 is so far beyond the C200.
The McIntosh is the clear winner here by a country mile
Based on everything but a personal side-by-side audition, I know which one I would choose. It would only be as a result of an in-home comparison, with the McIntosh showing a clear advantage over the Audio Research, that would persuade me to not buy the ARC Ref 3 over the Mac.

Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity of auditioning a C1000, and I am not inclined to comment on products that I do not know. On the other hand, I have auditioned at length the ARC Ref 3, and ended up purchasing it. I compared directly against VAC Sig, VAC Ren II, Aesthetix Callisto Sig with single PS and all NOS tubes. Compared it indirectly also against ARC Ref 2 Mk. 2 and BAT VK51SE. In all these cases I liked better the Ref 3. Out of these the Callisto was perhaps the closest. In more recent times I have auditioned at some length the VTL 6.5 version 2 which I enjoyed immensely and the Rowland Concerto pre, which I also loved. Unfortunately I have not been lucky enough to compare these last two with Ref 3 during my selection process.
You can read some of my selection criteria and detailed findings at:
most people who like McIntosh do not like ARC and vice versa. The house sound is different between the 2 brands.

To say one is better than the other is absurd until side by side comparison is done with a knowledge of one's sonic preference.