How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp

How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big Solid State power amplifier ? Such as a Big Threshold, Pass Labs, Krell, Levinson.

I am still not sure on using a line conditioner on my big power amps.

Thank you for your help.
I just invested in an Exact Power EP-15A,and it's "balanced" partner,the Ultra Pure symmetrical wide-band filter.All to run my entire system,even though I have dedicated lines.I have heard some regenerated products on my front end stuff,and was amazed,so I feel quite good about this new combo,which has been shipped,but has not yet arrived(the Ultra Pure has,actually).My amp is a two chassis Rowland 8t,recently modded by Jeff.I'm gambling serious dollars that this will be a good investment,as almost all power lines have absolute dreck coming in which is definitely picked up by sensitive circuits.
speedy, if you happen to try your amp on it, could you please post follow-up. It would be appreciated. Thanks!!!
My ENTIRE system,including amp(and sub with built in amp) will be run,this way.I will report back,unless it is a MAJOR mistake,and I wind up commiting suicide!
Speedy, could you please report your findings before commiting suicide? This could save other AudiogoNer's from the risk of potential suicide. Thanks for the help. :)