Has anyone upgraded their preamp with V-caps?

I am interested in hearing about anyone's experience with upgrading their preamps with V-caps (in the output circuit). They are very expensive, i.e. 600.00 for two 2.0uF. I have heard that they are amazing caps and make a huge audio improvement, particularly in the bass and midrange.
Currently, we use V-Caps in the phono stage of our preamp. Capacitors are still indispensable for the RIAA decoding process, so we make sure that high quality parts execute this delicate task. We have found that the Teflon V-Caps are one of the best two or three parts we have tested in this application. They give us a very accurate and detailed sound, with low coloration.

In our case, the V-Caps are connected in parallel (not in series) with the signal path, in order to maintain the direct coupling intact throughout the entire preamp. If only there was a way to eliminate these caps however, I wouldn't hesitate! For the moment, they have gained a place here.

Regarding the use of V-Caps for non-direct coupled preamps, I see no reason why they shouldn't represent a step above other capacitors (polypropylene, oil & paper, etc.) when used for interstage coupling. In this case, there is a compromise you must be aware of: The bigger the capacitor you use, the better bass you will obtain, but also the less transparency you will have. The optimal value will depend on the circuit's elements, but using less than 1 uF makes sense to me.

All in all, if you have the $$$, go get them.

Jppenn, I am reluctant to use > 1.0uf size V-Caps mainly due to cost. If cost was not an option I would use V-Caps exclusively.

Pauly, have you had a chance to try the relatively new Sonicap Platinum caps? They are a hybrid teflon cap and their cost is about half of the V-cap.


I just replaced .1uf REL/Audiocap TFT coupling caps in my Atma-Sphere MP-1 LS with V-Cap TFTF. With just a few hours break-in, it's surprising how much better the V-Caps are than the REL and how big a difference there can be between one teflon cap and another. Furthermore, this swap made a greater improvement than replacing oil/paper coupling caps in my amp that I know to be inferior to REL TFT-- confirming perhaps the critical importance of the preamp in the system.
I can't speak about the teflon v-cap in output stage application but would like to comment that replacing 2 x 3,3uF Mundorf silver/gold recently in my Omega DUOs tweeter XO made a huge improvement. Very costly upgrade but worth every penny imo.