Has anyone upgraded their preamp with V-caps?

I am interested in hearing about anyone's experience with upgrading their preamps with V-caps (in the output circuit). They are very expensive, i.e. 600.00 for two 2.0uF. I have heard that they are amazing caps and make a huge audio improvement, particularly in the bass and midrange.
Jppenn, I am reluctant to use > 1.0uf size V-Caps mainly due to cost. If cost was not an option I would use V-Caps exclusively.

Pauly, have you had a chance to try the relatively new Sonicap Platinum caps? They are a hybrid teflon cap and their cost is about half of the V-cap.


I just replaced .1uf REL/Audiocap TFT coupling caps in my Atma-Sphere MP-1 LS with V-Cap TFTF. With just a few hours break-in, it's surprising how much better the V-Caps are than the REL and how big a difference there can be between one teflon cap and another. Furthermore, this swap made a greater improvement than replacing oil/paper coupling caps in my amp that I know to be inferior to REL TFT-- confirming perhaps the critical importance of the preamp in the system.
I can't speak about the teflon v-cap in output stage application but would like to comment that replacing 2 x 3,3uF Mundorf silver/gold recently in my Omega DUOs tweeter XO made a huge improvement. Very costly upgrade but worth every penny imo.
Sherod, I have not heard Sonicaps. A couple of folks have recommended I try them.