Krell Service

Love to hear turn around times you have recently experienced at the Krell factory service dept.
I sent my KAV 300cd in for repair about 10 days ago - they said it would be a few weeks before I even hear anything about a repair estimate. They have been very nice when I've contacted them, though.
Don't be afraid to follow up with Walter periodicaly. Sometimes a mention of how much you appreciate their time and effort helps as well. My experience has been exceptional so far.
I was originally told 3-4 weeks for my KRC HR repair. It then became 6-7 weeks, and eventually took 14 weeks. Patrick Bresnehan told me his best days now are worse than his worst days 3 years ago. I advised him to look for a new job. 3 weeks later when I tried to contact him about my pre amp I was told he left the company. I am so angry that I am selling of all my Krell gear. This is not the first time I have had a bad experience with Krell service.
I forgot to mention that my first repair took 4 weeks and a susequent repair (new drive had cracked a gear)took 3 weeks...but it was worth the wait. Remember, it takes a week for them to get a unit and process it plus a week for return.
I sent my 20i in for service about 8 weeks ago for a dysfunctional lid. The lid
was getting jammed periodically for quite some time, but would eventually
open until it finally would not open at all. It took 3-4 weeks for it to be looked
at and then serviced. Everyone I spoke to was very courteous and heplful; that
would be Steve, Rhonda and LuAnn. I learned that the staff was cut back by
50 % and thus very heavy delays in servicing. When I received the unit, the lid
worked fine but there was no readout and the disc wouldn't play. I immediately
called and was told to return it and it would receive priority attention. I spoke to
Walt upon its' return and he believed the unit had been dropped with Fedex
being the culprit. I needed a new laser. It had to be ordered from France. After
almost 2 weeks, and still no laser, Walt took it upon himself to have a laser
from a new unit installed....I didn't ask, but I guess he was referring to the
505. Walt also was going to send the 20i back in a brand new double box.
All of this was free of charge including the shipping (of course I had paid for
the original repair on the lid). Try getting this type of treatment from Levin-
son! The unit arrived safe and sound yesterday (the boxes and packaging
weighing in at about 17 pounds). The 20i still sounds great and I tip my hat
to Walt and his staff.