Krell Service

Love to hear turn around times you have recently experienced at the Krell factory service dept.
I have just sent my SACD standard back for repair. I will let you know how it goes. My experience with Krell so far has been excellent, so I expect a quality and prompt repair job! If for any reason they are delayed, I'm sure it is under extraordinary circumstances. Arbuckle, was your unit under warranty? Are you original owner from an authorized dealer? That could dictate the pecking order for your repair work.
I sent my KAV 300cd in for repair about 10 days ago - they said it would be a few weeks before I even hear anything about a repair estimate. They have been very nice when I've contacted them, though.
Don't be afraid to follow up with Walter periodicaly. Sometimes a mention of how much you appreciate their time and effort helps as well. My experience has been exceptional so far.
I was originally told 3-4 weeks for my KRC HR repair. It then became 6-7 weeks, and eventually took 14 weeks. Patrick Bresnehan told me his best days now are worse than his worst days 3 years ago. I advised him to look for a new job. 3 weeks later when I tried to contact him about my pre amp I was told he left the company. I am so angry that I am selling of all my Krell gear. This is not the first time I have had a bad experience with Krell service.
I forgot to mention that my first repair took 4 weeks and a susequent repair (new drive had cracked a gear)took 3 weeks...but it was worth the wait. Remember, it takes a week for them to get a unit and process it plus a week for return.