Cables for Audio Research

I am purchasing an Ayre V6xe and an Audio Research Ref2 Mk2. I currently am using Kimber Kable select interconnects. Has anyone used the combination of Kimber Select with the Audio Research preamps?
congratulations. That is some excellent gear. FWIW I have been using Kimber HERO XLR from the LS15 to the VT100 and to my tired ears it sounds marvelous.
I think the KS may be a notch above that so rest easy!
I used Kimber Select between a GNSC modded LS15 and a VT100 mk III. I thought it was a bit bright. I ended up trying, and liking, Cardas Cross very much. I prefer it to Cardas Golden Cross, in's a bit more laid back. So I outfitted my whole system with Cardas Cross.

That having been said, I later read that Kimber Select has a long break-in period. I only used it for about 20 hours new out of the box, so I didn't get the benefit of it being broken in. I'm glad I kept the cable, and intend to give it another try. Obviously, a lot of people like it, and, once broken in, brightness is apparently not an issue. But I'd be interested to hear comments about that.