cat jl3 signatures vs. atmashere ma2III's

Has anyone had the cahnce to hear these amps side by side? I was wondering what the sonic differences would be between them. I have heard the cat jL2 signature but have not heard the monoblocks. Do you think the atmasphere would give me the bass slam of the cats. I know both have great midrange and I know that the cat will be a little more "maintenance" but which one do you folks prefer and why? Any input would be much appreciated.
Sorry, Optarchie, but no. I can only comment on the MA-2 MkIII, not a comparison of the two you've named.
The Atmashere is lusher and more musical. I am a huge CAT fan but their pre-amp is way better than their amp. The CAT amp is thin and doesn't have any drive.
I never heard of a cat not having any drive. THere must have been something wrong with the set up because one thing cat is famouse for is their ability to drive almost anything
Duane: How you got so much wrong in so little space demonstrates quite a bit of skill on your part... but perhaps not the kind of skill one wants to advertise.

"The Atmashere is lusher and more musical."

No, it's not.

"their pre-amp is way better than their amp."

No, it's not.

"The CAT amp is thin and doesn't have any drive."

Exactly the opposite. It has more body and drive than most every amp on the planet.

Look on the bright side: It probably took you only a half minute to make all these mistakes so at least you didn't waste much time. Your time, anyway.