Audiophile Results

Which component is the most critical, the processor or the amp? I hope to attain a audiophile stereo system as the front end of a HT room.
As you can see, there is no one correct answer. Everyone will have their own opinion to share with you, but what works for them may or may not work for you. You just have to listen for yourself.
I would suggest some form of balance. A great A/V processor with weak amplification will sound no better or worse than a great amp driven by a weak A/V processor.

I intend to use Thiel's new 3.7 for my mains and therein lies the problem.I fell in love with a very high end speaker,however
I am used to Outlaw equipment,I am trying a Classe SSP-300/CA-5100.Yes The Classe does sound somewhat better,but I can do so much more with the Outlaw 990.I find the Classe processor very tedious to operate.I want the high end sound with the comfort of being able to operate it easily.
The speakers. Ultimately, the link in the chain that turns electricity into sound waves.
Stop this thread right here.

Perhaps you have heard this before but a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.

It is a system. Questions like "most important" or "weakest link" or "most critical component" are impossible to answer.

I do agree with JW94055 to start with speakers since they are the most colored of any component. Once you have speakers you like work your way back.
You've got it all wrong,the most important component in your system is the source,always has and always will be.