Pre Amp or Amp Best Money Spent

Hello, putting together my first system around a pair of non sig. Vandy 2ce's late serial numbers. I am looking at Rogue tube pre/amps. I am wondering if I should spend the money on M-120's with an entry Rogue preamp or go for the Rogue 90 with Rogue 99 pre? Obviously there are tradeoffs but where is the long term benefits. I will be buying used. Thanks Dean
I back Tvad. A match between Power Amplifiers and Speakers is more important than Pre-amplifier. Everything depends on the type of load your speakers present to the Power Amplifier.

See the following article. This will give you the details:
Post removed 

The rogue mono blocks are a good match and it also
allows you to keep the systems Speaker wire short.
You can start out with the 2ce 120 Mono blocks
and add a good second hand Rogue 66 or Perseus
pre amp.
The Alpha Core Goertz speaker wire works wonders with this pairing.
I also must disagree with what bob said as you will hear every improvment along the way.
Later you can even invest in a single or a pair of the Vandersteen 2WQ subs and have a pretty amazing system.
Good luck
Cheers John
Well, I have read alot of reviews in the archives here and people suggest Mccormack alot but never give alot of reason why but others say they are running them with rogue Cronus and they rock. So with all the knowledge out in Audiogon world can someone shed light on this speaker/ amp pairing. Others say that the preamp does all the processing so it is the most likely to show up as the weakest link, good preamp with a decent ss amp. I have heard alot of people say that these speakers really shine with better up streamm components and both Rogue amps I am looking at are close or above 100 watts. thanks