Brand preference and opinions

Like cars with many brands, it is generally considered that Mercedes Benz, BMW, Lexus, Audi, Acura, Rolls Royce, Porsche, etc... to be in the top group. Ferrari, Lamborgini, Mclaren, etc... to be in the elite group and of course Toyota, Honda, Ford, Nissan, etc... to be in the general group.
Getting back to audio, I am looking for your opinion as to what is in the top group. For example, I think Conrad Johnson, Mcintosh, Mark Levinson, etc... brands to be in this group.
I like your opinion what would be in general the top brands for this group in the order of what is considered higher level.
My reasoning.... I am considering buying a amp/preamp or integrated amp based on brand only just like some people who buys a low end Benz for the prestige even though they could have had a higher end Lexus for the same money
I don't think that Shsu's approach is all that different than what many of the posters in this forum actually do. Just re-read some of the answers to different forum topics here ... who won't buy anything made in China, who will only buy brands that can be resold in 30 days for what he paid, who will not buy anything that is from a mid-fi brand (as defined by price, not performance). There is a good deal of audio snobbery here.

With the shrinking number of audio dealers in many places, the ease of purchasing over the internet, the amount of information easily available about a lot of components, and the reality that most audio equipment is rarely pure crap (or at least to 99.99% of the population) ... is purchasing a well respected, luxury brand name all that crazy an approach?

What might be crazy is buying something sight unseen and sound unheard. But if you buy an accepted brand, you can always resell it. Hell, that's mostly what goes on here.

I am in this hobby for close to 40 years now and I know that there is no substitution for listening and being open to switching around components (it is a hobby after all), but enough people over the years have looked down their noses at the pedigree of my systems. One of the nicest sounding bedroom systems that I ever owned was comprised (all new prices) of a $130 Technics receiver, $120 Pioneer CD player, and $150 Bose 101 speakers (the original butt ugly wedge shaped enclosures made for outdoor use) with Radio Shack cables. The system had a sense of air around the instruments and a soundstage that few would believe.

Regards, Rich
I am considering buying a amp/preamp or integrated amp based on brand only......

In that case, I would highly recommend Brand X!!!
Buy it today!!! :)

It's not a new purchasing style. In the 1970's lots of people bought McIntosh stuff this way. Granted, much of it sounded great, but the folks I'm thinking of didn't have a clue that was the case. They bought it because it was McIntosh and anybody who thought they were anybody had it.

So Shsu, don't buy by brand, there's too many choices. Limit your choices by purchasing by cost. Without a doubt, the most expensive is the best!

Happy hunting...and, oh yeah, "good luck".
I'd listen to the brands first. Sure take the brand name into account as resale is something to consider. But like the cars MB, BMW, Audi, Lexus, Infiniti all have very different driving characters and interiors. I couldn't stand a Lexus or Infiniti but they'd have a great resale (well maybe not the Infiniti) but what's the point of buying something you use every day but dont' like? Get out there and listen. You'll be suprised at the differences in sound amongst the different brands.
Shsu....Let me jump in on the side of the minority opinion. We enjoy a hobby that includes magic rocks, Timex clocks that work wonders, dots placed on windows, $18K interconnects, racks that cost thousands upon thousands of dollars, moving speakers a fraction of an inch to achieve God only knows what, and we have the balls to call shopping by brand a crap shoot? (Honestly, not directed at Warrenh). This entire hobby is a crap shoot at best. Buying by brand for prestige doesn't really seem all that far out there. Thanks for your patience, I'm a Steeler fan for the last 48 years and not in that great of a mood at the moment. Now, please let me get back to putting on my white gloves to change LP's.