Best small signal tube for a preamp?

Is there inherently a "best" small signal tube for use in a preamp? Assuming all other things are equal-which of course they never are.
Choices are 6922/12AT7/12AU7/6BK7/6BZ7/12BH7/6H30II (and varients to the listed tubes - e.g. E88CC for 6922, etc.).
The reason for my question is that I am auditioning the Lector Zoe, which can use all of the above tubes by way of its SATC ( autiomatic tube adaptation) circuit and user switchable 6V/12V plate voltage.
I am interested in your reason, which might have to do with inherent sonic characteristics, predisposition for problems such as noise or microphonics, or availability and economy of NOS tubes being better for one tube type over the others. All responses are welcome, and in return I will let you know the results of my listening with the different tubes that I try.
For fun, I just installed a pair of NOS Amprex PQ White label E81CC's (12AT7's) that I had purchased for my CD player. I had to switch to the 12V position for those, compared to the 6V position for the stock 6922's. I will let them burn in overnight and listen tomorrow.
e\Each of those tube types, their variants and diff manufacturers will have a different sound. Try looking at Joe's Tube Lore over at Audio Asylum for description of each. FWIW, Joe does not like the sound of almost any 12AT7.
Yeah, I copied Joe's paper a couple of years ago and noted he doesn't even discuss the 12AT7. That is the only tube my CDP uses. He also doesn't like 12AU7, saying - "I would say this is a fairly unexceptional tube family." I found it interesting Andy at Vintage Tube didn't seem to like 6922 tubes, a few years ago when I called him to discuss retubing my SF Line 3SE. Some like 6SN7's in preamps for their "bigger" sound, and I found that true in an A-S MP3. BTW, the Amperex E81CC's sound different, but overall better in the Zoe than the EH 6922, although they do not seem to offer as much gain and they may not be as good as the 6922 at higher volumes. At low/mid volumes they are smoother, richer, more dimensional and maybe quieter, but that may be a function of tube quality and not tube type. Thanks for your thoughts.
I have a Zoe, and have acquired the following tubes thus far:

Sovtek 6H30pi
NOS Mullard 12AU7
NOS Siemens 12AT7 (early '60's)
NOS Sylvania 6BK7B

The Sovtek was warm, smooth and too weighty, and lacked some focus, detail, and dimensionality. I wouldn't say it's accurate.
The Mullard was a fantastic all-rounder. Rich & nice balance, but I was looking for more punch and midrange clarity. I'm now trying the Siemens. It's not yet broken in (20 hours or so). I'm very impressed so far. Very quiet, more 3d, solid bottom, and slightly more air, although w/ some grain and not as rich as Mullard's midrange (maybe after a few more days?). I've not yet tried the 6BK7B. About the others, I'm not sure if 6BZ7 is worth a try (the only one I can find is $8 a pair though), and I've read that the 12BH7 and 6922 are not low in microphonics and were not originally designed for pre-amp use... so I'm leaving them for later.
One odd thing I noticed when changing from 12AU7 to 12AT7 was that I had to turn the volume dial 40% higher with the 12AT7 to achieve similar volume levels. I was under the impression the 12AT7 tube has about 40% more gain than the 12AU7. So shouldn't it mean I should be turning the volume dial down instead? Anyways, I'll let you know when the Siemens has fully broken in.

Also don't forget the Zoe is a phase-inverting pre-amp, so you should reverse the polarity of your speaker cables (on one end) for optimum sound. Cheers.
Are you sure about the phase inversion? I did not know that. I will reverse leads and see what it sounds like. Keep me posted on your tube trials. I am in the process of getting a pair of NOS Amperex 6922's to try.