Ayre K1xe vs. Simaudio P7, P8

Has anyone had a chance to compare the Ayre and one of the evolution Sims? I realize that the P7 and P8 are more loaded with gadgetry and cost quite a bit more, but my question regards only sound quality and presentation. Any reliability/ quality control issues? I appreciate any experience you care to relate...
I have heard both and think Ayre and Sim sound more similar than different to my ears. Both brands are incredibly transparent and detailed. If that is the sound you are going after, then you cant go wrong with either Ayre or Sim. My personal opinion is that Ayre is the better deal, used or new. I would be careful what downstream components you mate with these preamps though.
>I would be careful what downstream components you mate with these preamps though.

Why do you say that?
drubin, what I mean is that I find both Ayre and Sim to be so transparent and airy that they can also sound thin, lacking weight if they are paired up with like sounding components. I have heard all Ayre and Sim systems with revealing speakers and to my ear, it was too much of a good thing. Again, just my opinion.
Would like to add, I have been living with the sim p-5 and w-5 for some time now and have been very happy. Never a problem, in fact I survived some serious brown outs, foolishly I kept playing the system and no problems. Of course now I'm using battery back-up.