Ayre K1xe vs. Simaudio P7, P8

Has anyone had a chance to compare the Ayre and one of the evolution Sims? I realize that the P7 and P8 are more loaded with gadgetry and cost quite a bit more, but my question regards only sound quality and presentation. Any reliability/ quality control issues? I appreciate any experience you care to relate...
>I would be careful what downstream components you mate with these preamps though.

Why do you say that?
drubin, what I mean is that I find both Ayre and Sim to be so transparent and airy that they can also sound thin, lacking weight if they are paired up with like sounding components. I have heard all Ayre and Sim systems with revealing speakers and to my ear, it was too much of a good thing. Again, just my opinion.
Would like to add, I have been living with the sim p-5 and w-5 for some time now and have been very happy. Never a problem, in fact I survived some serious brown outs, foolishly I kept playing the system and no problems. Of course now I'm using battery back-up.
Good input guys. Looks roughly like four in favor of Sim with Proth going for the Ayre and Tboooe more or less neutral. So if the K1xe is a bargain at $4500, then possibly the P5 or P5LE might be even more so at $2500 to $3000, older Renaissance circuitry notwithstanding. (Technically, this amounts to a departure from the thread topic, but I personally find it most helpful.)

Anyhow, good thoughts. It seems that no matter what question one has, a few people on A'gone have had direct experience with what you're talking about. ...and as importantly are willing to share. Great forum, site, and a pretty great group, we are. Thanks for the ideas, guys.