NAD C372 & Gallo Ref 3.1

Is the NAD C372 sufficient to drive these speakers?
Katee, you inherited quite a setup! The NAD is a fine amp. Driving speakers is not whether or not they will or will not, but more about the room and how loud you like it. The question really: I have a small/medium/large room and like to listen to rock/jazz/rap/classical/folk and I like it at soft/medium/loud volumes. I have not heard many NAD amps, but the reviews are good. 88 dB sensitivity which is not high. They are known for being detailed. The NAD should be fine in an average room with good volume. As Riley stated, now you decide if you like the way it makes music. A great start! Have fun!
Riley, before you preach any further, the C372 is an integrated and not a receiver. It is superb at it's price point.
Katee, yes it will be more than adequate. 150 watts with lots of headroom, I see no issues.
Riley, before you preach any further, the C372 is an integrated and not a receiver

Who said I was preaching ? Nail me to the cross because I made a mistake on something.

yes it will be more than adequate. 150 watts with lots of headroom, I see no issues

Rotarius, have you tried this setup before ? If not, then how can you comment on it ? I happen to have the 3.1's and can at least add some input on them.
Ok guys - don't get into a fight over this please.

Thank you all for the help. Believe me, it's appreciated. This business can really be overwhelming and music is very important to me. I'm a pianist and as such, although I am only beginning to explore putting together a quality system that I can afford right now, my ears are QUITE developed...

Here's my advice...take it for whatever you will.

I have no idea where you live, but if you happen to be near a Gallo dealer, simply stop in and listen to a modest system that features the 3.1's. This way you can take full advantage of a dealer's insight - which it sounds like you may need.

Plus, you'll want to actually hear components before committing. You don't know me (or anyone else on this forum) from Adam, and while some have "impressive" systems, this may only mean we have more money than sense and wouldn't know a "middle C" if it walked up and poked us in the eye.

And if you think that this group is any less fanatical than your brother, I'd bet a recording of one of your performances that you're wrong. :) Take him with you to the dealers - it will help the process. Plus, it will make the Thanksgiving day discussions a whole lot more interesting.