Amp for Dali Hellicon 400 mk2

any suggestions for powering my dali far..have used a nad 218 and an ati 1506..neither of which made them sound overly inspirational...
It's your amp (someone on Agon told me that once when I was complaining about my speakers and I did not believe them; turns out they were right, though it cost me thousands to learn that lesson!).

I bought a pair of Dali 400s after owning a pair of Paradigm Studio 100 v3s. I like both of them, but they are balanced differently, and by most measures the Dalis really are quite a step up. If you're after maximum slam and a heavy balance in the lower mids, then I suspect you might prefer the Paradigms. But for resolution and soundstage, the Dalis really walk away from the Paradigms.

As mentioned, both speakers reflect the character of the downstream gear, but the Dalis do so more than any other speaker I have owned (cables too), so I suspect your issues with these lies primarily in your amplifier and source. I bet that if you find the right pieces, you will experience the improvement you're after. These are excellent speakers, although surely not to everyone's taste (nothing is).

In other recent threads on these speakers, Dave (Dcstep) expresses his opinion that they worked best for him with gobs of power. My experience has been different, as I prefer them much more with a medium powered tube amp (Rogue Tempest II) than I did with a high power amp (MF A5).

I do agree with Dave, though, that these speakers reproduce well what they are given. If you can audition a high quality amp, I would not be surprised if you change your mind about them.
Well the DALIs are a lot less sensitive and they DO need to break in a couple of hundred hours. Have you broken them in? Can you take them back?

I really don't like the bass on the DALIs. It really turns into one-note bass below 40hz. I don't know what music you're playing, but IME, they really have problems with a lot of low frequency music. Some people don't notice that, like Michael Fremer for instance, but it's a real problem with the music that I listen to. I didn't want to rain on your parade so I kept quiet, but you may be running into the limitations of these speakers.

hhhmm..good food for thought..thank u very much...alas..that was my initial amp...i read fantastic reviews about the dreadnaught 2..i thought that would do hasnt to the level i want..however..i like the ht preamp is a yamaha rxv 3800
Dan, system synergy is real, as much as I wish it wasn't. What that means for us is that speakers work better with some amps than with others. So even if someone loves an amp, it may not be the best match for a given set of speakers. For my tastes, the Dalis work best with an amp/pre-amp that I would classify as "smooth" rather than "edgy." Most inexpensive SS amps and pre-amps are edgy.

Similarly, not all speakers appeal to all listeners, like Dave and the Dalis. They are apparently not for him. They are, however, for others. Many others. Viva la difference.

If you can find a few nice amps to try, you'll be able to decide if the Dalis are or are not for you. When I first got the Paradigms, I was convinced that I had made a huge mistake. Out of desperation I tried a different amp (which are much easier to buy and sell and ship than speakers!) and found much relief.
