$300 used preamp to match my rotel?

I bought a Rotel RB980BX power amp and now I'm shopping for a used preamp for $300 or less that would work well with it. I suppose Rotel is the obvious choice, but thought I'd check in to see other suggestions. I run two channel stereo for audio and AV signals. My sources are: cd player, dvd player, wireless itunes audio, TV. Obviously I can wire the video outside of the preamp. Some things I've considered:

-- used rotel pre
-- used rotel pro logic surround unit. These are very inexpensive, can run a sub one day and offer video. Any thoughts as to their 2 channel quality?
-- used tube or other brand pre.

I'll be running them through some DIY 2 way speakers.


Acurus RL-11 is a great option. Well engineered, usually available at the Gon for around $275 - $375.
I'd look for a RC-955. I doudt the Rotel AV pre will come close to the 955's sound quality.
I posted in your other pro-logic thread but a Rotel RC-1070 is nice and in your budget. Also - I'd look at the B&K preamps (eg pt3).
Thanks guys - I really appreciate all these suggestions. I have limited knowledge good brands, so this helps in my research.

I've seen that rotel 1070 on the agon classifieds - mighty tempting at that price.
