Speakers: $3,000-$4,000 on Audiogon

I am moving to a larger listening room (21 x 14) and am looking into new speakers - to pressurize the room, as I tell my wife ;). My current speakers, B&W CDM 9NT, have always sounded to bright in my previous listening room and are currently not at the same level as the rest of my system (click on the system link to see the components and cabling). Cardas cables and a McIntosh have somewhat tamed to extra energy in treble region.
I am looking for a well rounded speaker that excels in all the important areas (dynamics, frequency extension, detail, musicality). If I had a preference, I would lean towards a warmer/less analytical sound but not to the point of sacrificing detail.

Some speakers which I've had my eye on off the top of my head:
Dynaudio Contour S 3.4
Magenpan 3.6
Von Schweikert VR-4jr
Focal JM-Lab 946 Electra

Open to other suggestions,

Thanks in advance
3rd what Racamuti & Wireless2 say. it took me a long, expensive, back breaking time to figure that one out. imo the best sounding amps are lower powered anyway
I would stretch your budget and consider one of the pairs of Aerial 9s available on audiogon right now. Build quality and finish to die for, outstanding dynamic, full-range sound, smooth treble, and will have no trouble pressuring your medium-sized room. Aerials are not often mentioned on these threads, perhaps because they have a falsely perceived emphasis on home theater or because they don't come out with new models every year, but if you get it right the first time...
Personally and professionally speaking. I love the Dynaudio Contour S3.4. Another great contender is the new PSB Synchrony One or Two towers. Both mate extremely well with Mac's in most cases.

In my own experience, I wouldn't have put Dynaudio, JMLabs, Revel or some of the Thiels (e.g. 3.6) as leaning in the direction you indicate in the original post.

So here's another vote for Acoustic Zen, Vienna Acoustics, Sonus Faber, Harbeth and ProAc.
Do you think, given my system, the S5.4s would be much better than the S3.4s?
I am slightly concerned that the move to the 3 way s5.4 (from 2 way s3.4) while it does offer more extension, might lose that excellent midrange coherence, immediacy, and natural sound of the simpler 2 way...
This is something i'm considering in a speaker upgrade next year. I am all in on the Dynaudio approach and sonic/aesthetic results, but feel like, at this point if I were to toss about $2.5k into my system the most bang for the buck would be from the S3.4 to the S5.4 (assuming everything is a gain).
All apologies to the OP for mis-directing this thread a tad.